Cadet Mondays

The club has a long and established record of encouraging and developing junior sailors through fun sailing programs for all ages and abilities and the team of volunteers behind junior sailing certainly wants to build on this tradition. Run by experienced coaches, we provide an RYA affiliated training programme.

So whether you’re child has never set foot in a dinghy before, or whether they are already in to racing we are certain that NSSC will provide a safe, exciting and inspiring environment to nurture their interest. Our key weekly event for our cadets is Cadet Mondays where we run structured sessions each Monday evening from May to July.

Cadet Mondays are aligned to our cadet training pathways described here: Youth Pathways.  To attend Cadet Monday’s youngsters will have achieved an RYA Stage 2 or more, either on one of our 5-week RYA Youth Sailing Courses, which are run on Saturdays at Piddinghoe in the Spring or at another centre.  The RYA Youth course is probably best suited to confident youngsters from around age 8 to 16.

If you want to contact us about anything to do with cadets (pathways, training or cadet Mondays) then contact the cadet team: