Sailability is the Royal Yachting Association initiative to enable disabled people to sail, and the Newhaven and Seaford Sailing Club is registered as an RYA Sailability Centre as part of our RYA Training Centre.
Set up by club members of the Sailability Group, Newhaven and Seaford Sailability (NSS) offers accessibility to sailing and boating for disabled people in our area, at our lake in Piddinghoe, just north of Newhaven, within easy reach of Lewes, Brighton and Eastbourne.
We have Hansa dinghies that are specifically designed for disabled sailors, with hand steering and weighted keels to ensure they can’t capsize, providing a very safe experience on our 14 acre lake. We have single handed and two person dinghies (novices can go out with an instructor) so even if you have never sailed before, you can still come and enjoy the experience, or two people can have fun at the same time.
We have several power boats with experienced crews in attendance, so if you do become stuck or have difficulties getting back to the shore, you do not need to worry, we will look after you. If you just wish to come along and have a look initially, rather than going out on the water you are more than welcome to come along.
Our site is wheelchair accessible, with access to the galley, accessible toilet and launching area where you can transfer to a sailing dinghy. We have a hoist to allow wheelchair bound sailors to safely access the dinghies.
Here is a sailability videon to give you a better idea of what we can offer.
As we grow, we have plans to expand and add more facilities to help people who would benefit from this Sailability group. This year we have received funding to add a wheelchair path to ease access from the car park to the launch area.
We also have access to a single-handed Hansa dinghy for the more experienced sailor who wishes to experience the total freedom that sailing single handed can provide, or indeed race against others.
Our core of enthusiastic volunteers will help you on and off the water to rig, launch, recover, wash and put away the boats, or on shore to make sure you get the best out of your time with us.
We also look forward to welcoming more volunteer helpers from the Club to assist this rewarding venture.
We have been running since 2019 and if you are interested in our history (with an additional video) go here.
Newhaven and Seaford Sailability runs alongside our RYA Training School and we use the RYA pathway for those wishing to obtain their RYA sailing qualifications using the Hansa dinghies.
Sessions will generally run on Tuesdays, dependent on the weather, from March until November, so do contact the Sailability Co-ordinator Chris Turner for more detailed information and to book in. The first taster session is free and thereafter £7 per session.
Facebook: Newhaven and Seaford Sailability
Instagram: nssc_Sailability
Chris Turner: Sailability Lead. Mobile 07485 192578
Once you’ve spoken to Chris and want to proceed to book a slot, use our on-line payment system here.
The application form is below. Click on the arrow at the right of the header to download it. Fill it in, photograph it, and return to the e-mail address at the bottom of the form.