Youth Sailing

Cadet Sailing

At NSSC our under-18 sailors, usually referred to as “cadets”, are as important to us as our adult sailors. We ensure that cadet sailing is great fun for all. We combine the safe, tranquil environment at Piddinghoe lake with experienced, trained coaches. Cadets can learn with their parents and friends in free-sailing, or participate in our training pathways, gaining RYA certificates along the way. Learn to sail as a beginner or improve on what you already know. Have fun and be confident to be on or in the water. There are organised races for cadets at Piddinghoe, and the cadets can progress to racing with the adults on the sea if that’s what they want. Some of our best sailors on the sea are cadets. Find out more about are cadet pathways here: Cadet Pathways.

Cadets can have a great, social time with the club. As well as regular events throughout the year, we have Cadet Week every summer when cadets and their families can camp, learn, race and just have a great time over a week of organised sailing and social activities. Find out more about Cadet Week here: Cadet Week.

One of our most popular events for our cadets is “Cadet Mondays”. this held in late Spring over about a dozen consecutive Monday evenings. The cadets are split into different groups reflecting age and ability and spend a couple of hours on the water with dedicated instructors, but the emphasis is on learning through fun. However, this is also the opportunity to have cadets’ skills properly recognised with RYA Stage certificates awarded. Find out more about Cadet Mondays here: Cadet Mondays.

For those cadets who simply want to progress through the RYA Youth Training Stages, we are offering RYA dinghy courses in conjunction with Brighton Watersports. Go to their website (here) to review what they have to offer and how you can sign-up.

If you have any queries about cadet sailing and training contact the cadet team: